Best Practice Deploying My Apps portal

Copper Contributor

My organization wants to implement Microsoft’s My Apps portal.  We have been using in IT and are making plans to deploy it to our company’s user community.  I’ve seen documentation from Microsoft about it is available by default and users can self-install it as a browser bookmark. 


I would like to be more proactive than waiting for users to install the bookmark.  We support multiple browsers (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) so this may complicate a push distribution of bookmarks into user’s favorites lists.  Another possibility is to push a shortcut in the Windows Start Menu (not quite sure how to do that yet).  But I’m open to other ideas too.


I was wondering how others have deployed the My Apps portal?  Would anyone have good “how to” or best practice articles they could point me towards? 

1 Reply
Hi, adding the website to the favorites could be a good option indeed.Just like you are saying, publishing it to the public desktop could also be an option with a powershell script like this (of course you will need to change the exe file location and the arguments to match the my apps portal url

if (-not (Test-Path "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Update DDS-CAD.lnk"))
$null = $WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell
$path = "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Update DDS-CAD.lnk"
$targetpath = "C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe"

$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut($path)
$Shortcut.TargetPath = $targetpath
$Shortcut.Arguments = '/run /TN "UpdateDDSCAD"'