Tech Community Live: Microsoft Intune
Oct 01 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

AzureAD joined device via PPKG didn't enroll in Intune

Copper Contributor

I followed the instructions Bulk enrollment for Windows devices to enroll my device in Azure AD using a package on a usb key. I do not have on-prem AD.


The device successfully enrolled to AzureAD, but did not enroll in Intune.


I can see it in AzureAD under devices as "AzureAD joined" with no MDM listed. It doesn't show up under Intune devices.


I had to manually go into the device's computer configuration and enable automatic enrollment to MDM. After doing this, the device enrolled into Intune and now shows up.


What did I do wrong? Why was this not already set since I followed the bulk enrollment instruction?

2 Replies
Have you ensured Auto Enrollment is opened up to the proper users?

Licensing and Scope are usually the first things i check. Also, if you have Azure AD Premium P1 or P2, and you have a Intune Registered as your MDM service, it will automatically attempt MDM enrollment.
It does sound the MDM scope is not configured. Ar these the first devices who you are enrolling into azuread/intune.