Azure AD and Intune now support macOS in conditional access!

Community Manager

Conditional access is one of the fastest growing services in EMS, constantly getting feedback from customers about new capabilities they would like to add to it. One of the most frequently requested is support for macOS. Customers want to have one consistent system for securing user accessing to Office 365 on all the platforms their employees are using.


So we're excited to share that Azure Active Directory and Intune now support macOS platform for device-based conditional access! Administrators can now restrict access to Intune-managed macOS devices using device-based conditional access according to their organization’s security guidelines.




Read more about it in the Enterprise Mobility & Security blog.

2 Replies

@Peter Klapwijkhere is the article you were looking for 🙂

Yes! Thnx, just saw this news on a MS blog. 🙂