Tech Community Live: Microsoft Intune
Oct 01 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

Autopilot Pre Provisioning Stuck at Device Setup

Copper Contributor

Hello Everyone,

I was trying to use Autopilot Preprovisioning for Windows 10 devices that we would like to setup before we deliver it to our end user.


We were getting correct Intune Autopilot profile

Once we click on Pre provisioning

Device Prepration completed in 2 minutes

then Device setup never completed and stuck on Identifying for 60 minutes

As my ESP setting is set to 60 minute.


I am getting that red screen mentioning that provisioning can not be completed.


however that device is visible in Endpoint portal with correct name template as per Autopilot profile


Not sure why it is getting stuck at Device Setup

Unable to identify Apps

Configuration profile



Your advise on this issue would be really appreciable.


I have tried it on OOBE device and existing device that met all the pre requisite.

33 Replies
Have you checked the device management events? Assess the configuration and application policies that you have assigned. Also, test with user provisioning method first to rule things out.

1. If you dont use Autopilot prepro ... does that work like expected?
2. The device passes the first esp steps so we can rule out attestation issues as you also mentioned the device object gets created in Intune and azure.
3. could you share a screenshot at which part it is stuck? on identifying apps or other parts?
4. Which apps did you configured as required apps in the esp (assuming you configured the esp with required apps...
5. deploying any powershell scripts that could a loop?

I guess I need some more info to pinpoint your issue


@rahuljindal-MVP Hi Rahul, thank you for your revert,

I have gone through the diagnostic logs and Device state is still NO to AzureAD joined
Also NGC Prerequisite check
Isdevicejoined: NO
IsUserAzureAD: NO
POlicy Enable: NO
POstlogonenable: Yes
PreReqResult: WillNotProvison


1st Scenerio, Apps and configuration profile assigned to device with Autopilot pre-provisioning


Device Prepration completed successfully and Device visible in the Endpoint manager

Also Configuration profile assisgned successfully

App installation went fine


however, It is stuck on Device Stuck

Identifying Apps, Profile & Network for 60 minutes as per ESP settings and then Red page appears.



2nd Scenario, Without apps and Profile for Autopilot pre-provisioning

Device Preparation went successfully

Stuck on Device Setup



3rd Scenario, Autopilot Profile with user login

It works like a charm, user login, device, setup, apps install, configuration profile setup and user login altogether.

Hi Rudy, Thank you so much for checking this out!
I am not pishing any POlicy, script, apps as of now to test this pre provision Autopilot

However if I test Autopilot with user login, it works like a charm as we have done mutiple devices with that method.

But Pre-Provisioning is getting stuck on Device Setup
Identifying Apps, Configuration Profile, network
Once ESP time out, I got error Something happened and we could not complete the provisioning processs in the required time.

1st Scenerio, Apps and configuration profile assigned to device with Autopilot pre-provisioning

Device Prepration completed successfully and Device visible in the Endpoint manager

Also Configuration profile assisgned successfully

App installation went fine

however, It is stuck on Device Stuck

Identifying Apps, Profile & Network for 60 minutes as per ESP settings and then Red page appears.

2nd Scenario, Without apps and Profile for Autopilot pre-provisioning

Device Preparation went successfully

Stuck on Device Setup

3rd Scenario, Autopilot Profile with user login

It works like a charm, user login, device, setup, apps install, configuration profile setup and user login altogether.
Yep... after receiving the intune device cert during prepro the azure ad certificate will be whacked.. and with it the trust (no longer azure ad joined)
Just to be sure... no Haadj?
correct, no HAADJ, only AADJ device with Autopilot, also I am not pushing any cert on the device while pre provisioning.
so Aadj it is 🙂

1. Are you 1000% sure there arent any powershell scripts deployed?
2. I assume you configured the enrollment status page? Could you share a screenshot of the enrollment status page and its settings

@Rudy_Ooms_MVP I am 100 percent sure that there is no PowerShell script assigned to this machine.

however we have 2 script that we are assigning to some users.



What happens when switching on that block device .. until.... and only select the truly required apps?
if I turn on that machine,, it lands me to the login page if I do not press windows key for 5 time.
If I assign required application to this device, it will install but that pre-provisioning actually failed like it failed in other case.
Not sure what option am I missing?
So you made sure the device is blocked before some required apps are installed... which ones did you add? do you have some names of the apps... are those all win32 apps or also msi ?
Google chrome application win32 app

Azure ad join is reporting as NO. At what stage did you capture this? Are you pre-provisioning on LAN or wifi? Also, what is the Windows OS version and build?

When I got Red screen with Pre Provision failure, then I opened CMD and check the status via dsregcmd /status and find this information

I have tried it on LAN and WIFI with same issue
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro x64
OS Version 10.0.19045
Please advise
With Autopilot thats expected behavior.( not aad joined). Could you check if the ime is installed ? (And the corrospinding service)
This may require a deep dive. You can start with the steps called out over here.



I am having exactly the same issue and am already troubleshooting it with Microsoft Support but nothing so far. I could share my logs here.. only i do not know how..

You could always create your own topic/question on the techcommunity.. as it still could be 2 different issues