Search results returns empty hits

Copper Contributor



I'm using microsoft graph to query document libraries on my SharePoint Online site.

I'm querying managed property.

When I tested it on Graph explorer - I got result with hits that contained the actual file that has this managed property.

When I tried to develop it - I got result that matched the graph explorer - but the hit section was empty [[{}, {}]


Here's the data I'm using in Graph explorer:


   "requests": [
     "entityTypes": [
     "query": {
         "queryString": "RefinableString01:'555555'"
and here's the code I'm using:
GraphServiceClient client = GetAuthenticatedGraphClient(userName, userPassword);
var searchRequest = new
requests = new[]
entityTypes = new[] {"microsoft.graph.driveItem"},
query = new
query_string = new
query = "RefinableString01:'555555"

//construct a request

var message = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "");
var jsonPayload = client.HttpProvider.Serializer.SerializeObject(searchRequest);
message.Content = new StringContent(jsonPayload, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
await client.AuthenticationProvider.AuthenticateRequestAsync(message);
var response = await client.HttpProvider.SendAsync(message);
//process response
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var result = JObject.Parse(content);
This is the result I'm getting:
Does anybody have any idea why this is hapenning? 
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