How to list all Application API permissions for an app in Azure AD?

Copper Contributor

I can use oauth2permissionsgrants in the Graph REST API or the Get-MgServicePrincipalOauth2PermissionGrant PS cmdlet to get the Delegated permission grants for an application (a service principal). But how do I get a list of all the Application permission grants for an application? 



2 Replies
best response confirmed by KimmoB (Copper Contributor)
Use the relevant endpoints/cmdlets, in particular the App role assignments. Here's a sample script I wrote a while back:
Hi Vasil - that was exactly what I was looking for, got the necessary information through Get-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment. Thanks a million! Kimmo
1 best response

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best response confirmed by KimmoB (Copper Contributor)
Use the relevant endpoints/cmdlets, in particular the App role assignments. Here's a sample script I wrote a while back:

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