create group / team is failing with error 400 bad request

Copper Contributor

hey Guys,

I hope someone can push me into the right direction.


I having trouble to create a MS teams team via the graph API. I constantly get error 400 Bad request.

the wired thing is that I only have this problem in one tenant my other tenants are working with the same code example without any problem.


As an sidenote I switched of group creation for everyone. I used this script to do so


As for my understanding this should not interfear with my application. But only to be 100% sure I added my application to the security group which is allowed to create unified groups ...


But I still have this Bad request Error...


My code is looking like this

function get-access ()
  $connectionDetails = @{
    'TenantId'        = 'domain.tld'
    'ClientId'        = 'xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
    'ClientCertificate' = Get-Item -Path 'Cert:\CurrentUser\My\9DA37xxxxxxxx'

  $token = Get-MsalToken @connectionDetails

  $authHeader = @{
    'Authorization' = $token.CreateAuthorizationHeader()
  return $authHeader

function get-id ($upn)
  $URL = "$upn"
  $ResultOwner = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $URL -Method Get
  return $

function create-team ($owner_upn, $team_displayname ,$team_description)
  $ownerid = get-id $owner_upn

  $requestBody = @"
    "template@odata.bind": "'standard')",
    "displayName": "$team_displayname",
    "description": "$team_description",
    "visibility": "Private",
    "owners@odata.bind": [

  $result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Uri '' -Body $requestBody -Headers $headers

  return $result.headers.Location

$headers = get-access
$result = create-team -owner upn_user@domain.tld -team_displayname "test-team0815" -team_description "test team description"


And as mentioned this  example is working in one tenant and not in my other tenant ... And i have no idea why this is the case ....


Thanks for helping me out 


Have a nice day




2 Replies
Hi Christoph,

Interestingly I am also experiencing this issue within our M365 tenant. This has only been a problem for the last few days aswell, which would indicate an issue being present.

Would be interested to hear what Microsoft have to say about this.

Kind regards,




hey Sam,
its working now! I think there was a problem in the backend. I got the advice to look deeper into that error response which is not so easy in PowerShell.


So used postman to see if I could get more information.
If I used my custom template, I got the following error


A template with id 'myTemplateID' and locale 'en-US' could not be found


Even if I changed the ID to standard I got an error ... very odd.


And this behavior is gone since  yesterday ..  So for me its working as expected .


I am not sure if you are using Powershell for your post but I do and I  forgot to put -ContentType "application/json" into my invoke-webrequest 


Also not sure why this was needed for one tenant but not for the other... make no sence 


$requestBody = @"
    "template@odata.bind": "'f78f97a1-7e03-47db-90e9-421859bc7d71')",
    "displayName": "$team_displayname",
    "description": "$team_description",
    "visibility": "Public",
    "owners@odata.bind": [

$result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Uri "" -Body $requestBody -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json"


So my advice give it a shot on your end  again :)


Have a nice weekend

