Sep 30 2021 01:18 AM
I have been trying to replicate my PowerApps function filter on Microsoft graph. Using the Graph API for SharePoint documentation. However, I am unable to group the various queries as seen below. I have not found any MS article on multiple queries.
PowerApps Query => MeetingRoom=selectedRoom && ((ArrivalDateAndTime<=selectedStart && ArrivalEndDateAndTime>selectedStart) || ((ArrivalDateAndTime<selectedEnd && ArrivalEndDateAndTime>selectedEnd) || (ArrivalEndDateAndTime>selectedStart && ArrivalEndDateAndTime<=selectedEnd))
I have been able to do this that's the first part of the query and it works ( as seen below).
MeetingRoom eq 'General Board Room'
However, I have the rest of the query to complete and MS graph does not accept brackets '(' ')'
I have written what I believe the query should be like, with the brackets.
and (
(fields/ArrivalDateAndTime<=2021-07-30T06:41:30Z and fields/ArrivalEndDateAndTime>2021-07-30T06:41:30Z)
(fields/ArrivalDateAndTime<2021-09-30T06:41:30Z and fields/ArrivalEndDateAndTime>2021-09-30T06:41:30Z)
(fields/ArrivalEndDateAndTime>2021-07-30T06:41:30Z and fields/ArrivalEndDateAndTime<=2021-09-30T06:41:30Z)
Graph Query 1=>$expand=fields&$filter=fields/MeetingRoom eq 'General Board Room' and fields/MeetingRoom eq 'Bar'
Please how do I group these queries?
Oct 02 2021 04:36 AM
SolutionOct 02 2021 04:36 AM