Feb 28 2024 03:06 AM
Hi guys,
i created new roster in MS Planner to realize personal planner plans without using a M365-group.
I did it like this:
#Create a roster
$params = @{"@odata.type"="#microsoft.graph.plannerRoster"}
New-MgBetaPlannerRoster -BodyParameter $params
>>>>returing the roster ID
#Grant User Permission to the Roster using PlannerTenantAdmin.psm1 (Prerequisites for making Planner changes in Windows PowerShell - Microsoft Planner | Microsoft Learn)
Add-PlannerRosterMember -RosterId ff119d1b-0dfc-40d4-a79e-97e7f5****** -UserAadIdOrPrincipalName emailaddress
#Then creating a plan within the roster
title="SH Private"
New-MgBetaPlannerPlan -BodyParameter $plan
>>>It works fine, now i have a private plan without creating a group.
Now....the "easy thing" that doen't work:
I created several roster. I'm the admin and now i'm the owner of the rosters. I have the priviledge the access them. Now i want to remove my account permission within the rosters of my colleagues. To reach this goal i want to use the command "remove-plannerrostermember" or another graph-cmdlet, but i neet the rosterId. Now the stupid thing: I can't find out the roster ids
With the command:
Get-MgBetaUserPlannerRosterPlan -UserId be985***-16c7-4a74-8ad4-55be******
....the following output returns:
Title Id Owner CreatedDateTime
----- -- ----- ---------------
XY Private vP4D3p-h20iu0XP00Q******* be985***-16c7-4a74-8ad4-55b******* 27.02.2024 20:02:53
SH Private K7gITd4wDEeIkH9OMEteWp****** be985***-16c7-4a74-8ad4-55be****** 27.02.2024 19:36:49
i can see the plan id, but not the roster id!
With the command
Get-MgBetaPlannerRoster [-all]
it is not possible to list all rosters. An error message occurs:
>>>Get-MgBetaPlannerRoster : Specified expansions, filters, or select statements are not supported for this query.<<<
I haven't write down the roster ids, now i can't modify the permissions. Any idea?
Feb 28 2024 08:21 AM