How to Query with TimeRange Log Analytics

Copper Contributor

Hello!, im doing a query to log analytics to pass the data to a PowerApps, 

in the Flow i call to the api of sentinel and i get the entities, i get the query (is dynamically never the same query) and i get the time range like this:


"additionalData": {
      "ProcessedBySentinel": "True",
      "Search Query Results Overall Count": "3",
      "Query Start Time UTC": "2021-05-27T19:22:07Z",
      "Query End Time UTC": "2021-05-27T20:22:07Z",
      "Analytic Rule Name": "Conexiones RDP no comunes",
      "Analytic Rule Ids": "[\"\"]",
      "Trigger Threshold": "0",
      "Trigger Operator": "GreaterThan",
      "Event Grouping": "SingleAlert",
      "Query Period": "01:00:00",
      "Data Sources": "[\"logazsentinel\"]",
      "Query": " QUERY",
      "Total Account Entities": "3",
      "Total IP Entities": "2",
      "Total Host Entities": "2"

The data what i need is between this time 

"Query Start Time UTC": "2021-05-27T19:22:07Z",
"Query End Time UTC": "2021-05-27T20:22:07Z",

 and im calling the query like this:


I check in the documentation and just i can query with the timespan

the timespan, just get me the results from the current time minus the hours especified like

is 5:40 PM and i put PT1H30M i get the results from 5:40PM to 4:10PM


so the question i have: is posible to do something like: timespan: 

"timespan":"2021-05-27T19:22:07Z" betwenn "2021-05-27T20:22:07Z"



3 Replies


Try adding the following to the top of the KQL:


set query_datetimescope_from = datetime(2021-05-27T19:22:07Z);
set query_datetimescope_to = datetime(2021-05-27T20:22:07Z);


Not working, ir gives all items from last 7 days
Please attach a screen capture of the modified "GetAnalyticsTable" connector .