Tracking Access to Responses in Forms

Copper Contributor


My institution is using Forms to complete and share course reviews across our institution. When a review is completed using Forms, we send out a view/edit link to the instructors so they can see the responses of our reviewers. Now we are trying to figure out how to track when the instructors use the link and view the responses. Is there any way to track who uses a link to view the responses and when they use that link? If there is not yet, could you all please look into options for tracking (we intend to use this process over the next three years for 200+ course reviews).


The other question I have is if there is a way to save and return to a response without losing previously entered data (our reviews are lengthy and take more than one sitting to finish sometimes). Any information you can provide on these two issues would be greatly appreciated.



Krystal Iseminger

1 Reply
Unfortunately there is nothing that can do this, and nothing coming soon for it. You could go look around in the forms user-voice for these requests or add them in but Forms was meant to be a pretty rudimentary data collection tool.

You might be able to link your results to an excel file stored in OneDrive, then share this document out each time and you can then see when the file is viewed, or could get real fancy and copy everything to a database or SharePoint list and have a powerapps front end, but there isn't really anything easy to do.