Specific Group does not show up in Forms to move/save to

Iron Contributor

Hi all,


I just noticed that in my selection of Groups where I can save in or move to my Forms some specific Groups don't show up. All Groups were automatically created by Office 365 as underlying structures for Teams. I am owner in the Groups that don't show up.


Which conditions do Groups have to match so that I can move personal Forms to them? When I create a new Form in the corresponding Team per Forms register app, I can see the new form. But I don't get it why I can't see it in the Group selection drop down.


4 Replies
Hi Carsten,

This is an interesting one and I am wondering if it’s linked to another issue. Do the Teams that made the Groups show up in the Teams and Skype control panel?

See article here where there is a fix for showing the team - which if linked - may fix this


Let me know how it goes. Even if the teams are not showing and you fix this it may not fix the group forms at all any may not be linked however I am reaching out to see if there is a link.

If not, we’ll explore other options. Or somebody else may know the specific reason in the meantime.

Best, Chris
To my knowledge you can’t move forms yet and transfer ownership. See uservoice they are working on it.


Hey @ChrisWebbTech, transferring ownership to a Group works like charm. The user voice you are citing refers to individual owners.


@Christopher Hoardthanks, I'll evaluate! 🙂

You up to recently couldn’t. First place I would check is like everything else graph related when it’s missing go to the groups sharepoint page and follow it. Them go back see if it shows.