Not ready for prime time and become an enterprise tool.

Brass Contributor

I don't know who many people are working on forms at MS, but in its current state "Forms" is WAY too basic and lacks too many important features to be considered an enterprise "form" platform and potentially server as swiss-knife of data collection for intranets or internet facing sites. Infopath was 10x better, Cognito forms is 10x better, etc... We cannot even seamlessly embed forms into WordPress sites, regular expression validation, external data sources, advanced conditions and rules, the lack of visual customization is awful (enterprise color palette), etc...

1 Reply

@VFX_Pro without any doubt Forms has severe limitations of question type, external file upload and other missing things when compared against some other products. But it can - and is - used in an enterprise environment, at least in my very large Canadian/British company, where it is used heavily for things like our IT Support Ticketing System (over 15000 responses in the last 2 years),  leaver questionnaires,, our DSE Assessments, Incident notifications, new starter equipment requests etc etc. You just have to accept that many features are not there and that new features are very slow to be delivered and work round that. If you're starting point is "this is crap" you won't get anything out of it. But if you look at what it CAN do in a positive light, particularly when linked with flows in Power Automate and SharePoint lists then it opens up a whole range of possibilities. 


PS. I also don't know how many people at Microsoft are working on Forms, but I do know it is developed and supported out of China. Although quite often they refer support issues to me! 


Los Gallardos
Intranet, SharePoint and Power Platform Manager (and classic 1967 Morris Traveller driver)