May 14 2020
11:00 AM
- last edited on
Aug 06 2023
05:17 PM
May 14 2020
11:00 AM
- last edited on
Aug 06 2023
05:17 PM
Hi - looking for some help!
I have created a form - and the survey has gone live - 150 responses so far.
In this form, I used several Likert questions where I asked questions like "What level of involvement do you have in the budget process?" and I set option of 4 Likert 'buttons' with the left one being "Low" and the right one being 'High'.
The middle 2, I deleted the headings altogether - as they were the in-between options.
So, now people have completed the survey - the graphs show the nice split of the responses - 57.2% High, 8.7% Low, and button 2 is 15.2%, and button 3 is 18.8% - the graph works fab.
But - and here is the issue - when I export to excel - the data table only shows the words 'High" and 'Low' and the other options that were clicked (Option 2 & 3) didn't have a column heading - so are just left blank in the data table. So I cannot use the data table to interpret the results.....
The application clearly knows what the buttons were - as it is producing the graph showing what was selected - but the data when I extracted gives the column headings as blank - so I cannot interrogate those middle answers 😲😲
Can anyone help with how i access the information that is clearly been gathered - but is not visible to me in the data table?
Thanks a million in advance!
Aug 04 2022 07:21 AM
Mar 08 2024 06:45 AM
@Neale2020 I stumbled on this thread when I had the same problem today. I found a solution!
Go back into the survey builder and update the question, adding values to all of the intermediary options in the likert scale. I backed up my data and printed my results first as a precaution, but it didn't end up being necessary.
Once you've done that, sync all responses to a new workbook. Re-open the spreadsheet and your new values should appear!
MS really needs to fix this issue or at least warn people before surveys are launched but at least there is a workaround
May 09 2024 02:40 PM