Likert Data missing

Copper Contributor

Hi - looking for some help!

I have created a form - and the survey has gone live - 150 responses so far.

In this form, I used several Likert questions where I asked questions like "What level of involvement do you have in the budget process?" and I set option of 4 Likert 'buttons' with the left one being "Low" and the right one being 'High'.

The middle 2, I deleted the headings altogether - as they were the in-between options.

So, now people have completed the survey - the graphs show the nice split of the responses - 57.2% High, 8.7% Low, and button 2 is 15.2%, and button 3 is 18.8% - the graph works fab.

But - and here is the issue - when I export to excel  - the data table only shows the words 'High" and 'Low' and the other options that were clicked (Option 2 & 3) didn't have a column heading - so are just left blank in the data table. So I cannot use the data table to interpret the results.....

The application clearly knows what the buttons were - as it is producing the graph showing what was selected - but the data when I extracted gives the column headings as blank - so I cannot interrogate those middle answers 😲😲


Can anyone help with how i access the information that is clearly been gathered - but is not visible to me in the data table?

Thanks a million in advance!




3 Replies
Having the same issue. Plus you cannot tell what the number of total respondents for each of the statement was. I can see only percentage but not sure from which numbers it's counted so I cannot even count those missing counts based on the percentages...
This is really limiting as I'm not able to create other graphs, nor tell how many people might have skipped the individual statements.
The 'More details' button is showing the blanks as well as the excel export is.

@Neale2020 I stumbled on this thread when I had the same problem today. I found a solution!

Go back into the survey builder and update the question, adding values to all of the intermediary options in the likert scale. I backed up my data and printed my results first as a precaution, but it didn't end up being necessary.


Once you've done that, sync all responses to a new workbook. Re-open the spreadsheet and your new values should appear!


MS really needs to fix this issue or at least warn people before surveys are launched but at least there is a workaround

Confirmed that this works great. Thanks for sharing this solution. Agreed that MS should sort this out, I was a bit panicked when I opened the spreadsheets. Even "View Details" shows the data as blank in Forms.