Forms Pro styling error

Copper Contributor

I'm having an issue with form styling not loading correctly when opening the form from an email link.

I'm sending a survey based on a flow trigger, piping data from D365.


The behaviour occurs both in MS Edge and Chrome.


When opening the form from an email link the styling looks like this:




After refreshing the page, the styling loads correctly:




Any ideas what's wrong?


8 Replies



Hi goodmorning!

I have exactly the same issue ... I sent invitations to clients and they replied that they can't open read the form properly...

Same way of work: link to form in outlook 

Hope they get that fixed...

@magalimoreels same issue for me.  Just accessing the form from the link gives the same error and refresh doesn't fix it.  I hope this gets looked at urgently!

I'm having the same issue. Is there any info about this and its resolution? @barboge 

@Matlot139 nothing useful from me yet.  I've got a case open with MS support who seem to be stumped at this stage.  I reaslise now that it's affected all our surveys, and even newly created ones.  Worrying!

@barboge are you/anyone else still having this issue?  I've checked today and mysteriously all my forms are now rendering correctly.  I didn't change a thing but it seems to be fixed....for now.  Interested to know if that's the same for anyone else?

@daniellockeretzSame, it's all good now. Must have been an MS issue...

Hi Daniel, mine seems fine too now! Strange thing...


What a pity that 400 of our clients complained about a link that didn't work... It made me look like a fool 😕 

I have to process +300 mails about that now... Hope this never happens again ...


Thanks for the update!


Mine are also rendering correctly!