Forms - Deleted - Recycle bin?

Steel Contributor

I accidentally deleted a MS Forms.

Is there a way to recover the deleted Form?

Where are they stored?

11 Replies

Checking the documentation, I can see no way to recover a deleted Form. I see this feature has been requested via the product feedback site, you can see some of them here like this one


It's an obvious shortfall, perhaps that will be resolved when Forms goes GA for commercial tenants or soon after!  Perhaps we will hear more about this at Ignite, not that it helps right now. 


Submitting some feedback directly from the app is worth a shot as well, more people that say how they need this feature, the more likely it is to be implemented.

Tx for your response Cian. Despite the warning in the help, I think it's a serious shortfall.

Yes it is. I deleted by mistake. I opened the form to see the results. It was the third on the list. When I went to delete "the third on the list", i didn't realize it was now the first.


I have just spent half an hour creating a Form. Then decided I wanted it as a quiz and spend 2 hours recreating it as a quiz. Went to delete the original Form and BAM, I deleted the wrong one.


I'd like a Forms recycle bin as well please!

@Mark Stokes There is a Forms recycle bin. The button is in the bottom right corner of the Forms app.

We don't have it in our Tenant, guess it's going GA soon hopefully?

yes, it is under global rolling out. User can find deleted forms in recycle bin and restore from there

It appears to be a separate recycle bin for each tab: My forms, Shared with me and Group forms.

Many thanks

Thanks Mark! Saved my hour and a half of work that somehow got deleted. I'm on a small Yoga laptop and that recycle bin icon is tiny, I would never have seen that!

@EricDeferm Hidden in the bottom-right corner of the "all forms" page, potentially hidden by the "Feedback" bar, is a Recycle Bin link. I found my deleted form there.recyclebinforms.png