Aug 11 2022
01:51 AM
- last edited on
Aug 03 2023
05:17 PM
Aug 11 2022
01:51 AM
- last edited on
Aug 03 2023
05:17 PM
I have a MS Form that is used by our HR team to track names changes.
Part of the form you are required to upload a document, Supporting document as to why names has been changed.
Recently an error message as appeared. See below screen shot
The file attempted to upload met the criteria.
This form is connected to a Flow that adds the information to a SharePoint site along with the attachment. The last successful entry was on the 21st July 2022. No changes to the form or flow have been made it that time.
Any idea of why potentially this could be happening as the error message isn't that helpful as advising why it failed??
Oct 27 2022 07:54 PM
@Chris_Clark1968, we have now experienced this also, and in researching for answers I came across this post from 2020: Failed to upload your file MS Forms - Microsoft Community Hub
So it looks to me like Microsoft Forms has either "intermittent issues" like this or will always, after some period of time since creation of a form, lose its "glue" to the back-end storage (OneDrive). I suspect the latter. I have reported the issue (as others probably will have) via the Office admin portal -> "Service Health" -> Report an issue.
Note that the post from 2020 above includes a nasty workaround (the last post currently) of copying a form and using the copy. This is because it appears that "new" forms don't have the issue. However, since all "new" forms eventually become old, I reckon the issue will arise again in time. Perhaps it's an expiry of some client secret setup that is supposed to be automatic (as well as hidden)?
Best wishes,