Checkbox grid or Likert with checkbox option

Copper Contributor

Why doesn't Microsoft forms offer a Checkbox grid like Google Sheets?  It needs to be added ASAP.  It has been asked for since at least 2017 and still nothing.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Microsoft add this feature.  I really need it for my business.  Surveys are way to long without this feature.  

6 Replies



I would also like to see this. Can't believe it's still not available, especially with our current distance learning mode. Can't use Google in our district (we are in Redmond, so Google is practically a swearword around here), yet MS won't implement this option so far.

yeah i am really disappointed in this lack of function. I was trying to move away from jotforms into the sharepoint/teams family but this put a stop into it.

@michkete910 you can use the Likert feature. Once you add it you can add rows and columns as needed.

 2023-02-07 16 55 52.jpg

@jwhitehill a Likert is not the same as a checkbox grid, a checkbox grid allows for multiple slections in a row like this:



Exact same feeling. Would love to move all my surveys from Google forms to Microsoft 365 to simplify dataflows with Excel, but this is a real thorn in my side.



Almost 4 years on from the original post and there is still no checkbox option. Excel is so far beyond Google Sheets, how is Forms so far behind Google Sheets?