Separate Sharepoint Sites using Administrative Unit. It's possible?

Brass Contributor


> First of all, apologies for the text. I don't speak the language and I resorted to an online translator. I'm already working on it "too"


I was trying to apply in our organization the Administration segmentation using Administrative Units.
Of course reading - and in theory - seems like a great idea. However, when it comes to Sharepoint Site Administration, I don't know if it is possible, and how it would be, to create a Granular Site Administration. For example: One or Two users are Global Administrators of sites created by users in a group.

On second thought, the best explanation is:
It has a single Tenet, where there will be multiple domains - one for each client. And we have the idea, as it is possible for example with the Password Administration, that local IT can manage issues related to sites created by members of that domain without them being able to interfere with others.

In the tests I performed, a user, in an Administrative Unit and with Sharepoint Administrator powers, has the power to Administer the entire Tenet. I don't know if it's the default behavior OR if I didn't know how to perform this separation.

Thank you very much, if you can give me the way where I can get the confirmations of these doubts that take my thoughts...

With regards

2 Replies
AFAIK, SharePoint Online does not support the scenario you are describing here

@jcgonzalezmartin Do you know why SharePoint Admin is an Administrative Unit role if you can't assign sites to an Administrative Unit. It seems a bit pointless as it is now.