Jul 15 2022 05:41 PM
I am thinking maybe I am asking the wrong question...
What I want is to find with PowerShell is
I have been shocked how hard it is.
I have found an AWESOME script that tells me ALL the users and their MFA Status (Not my script)
((Get-MsolUser -all | select DisplayName,UserPrincipalName,@{Name="MFA Status"; Expression={ if( $_.StrongAuthenticationMethods.IsDefault -eq $true) {($_.StrongAuthenticationMethods | Where IsDefault -eq $True).MethodType} else { "Disabled"}}})
But I can't filter out the thousands that are not enabled
I feel I am missing something bigger here, like I am going about this the wrong way. what am I missing???
Jul 15 2022 08:54 PM
Check this article out, shows you how to get status of all users, once you have that list, use excel to simply sort by true/false. Hope this helps! https://lazyadmin.nl/powershell/list-office365-mfa-status-powershell/