Dec 06 2021
02:28 PM
- last edited on
Jan 14 2022
03:23 PM
Dec 06 2021
02:28 PM
- last edited on
Jan 14 2022
03:23 PM
Good morning, afternoon and evening everyone.
So can someone please explain the difference between Sign-in Frequency and persistent browser session.
Do I need to use both? I can read that sign in frequency is what is says on the tin. as long as a user is active within the time set here and by default thats 90 days. the user should not be asked to sign in again.
Now introduce persistent browser session and you can set it to always or never. I understand it to if you set it to never. a persistent cookie in the browser is not generated so closing the browser and opening it up again would ask you to log in again. and the persistent session means you can close the window, you can restart the computer and you are not asked to sign in again.
That sounds like the sign-in frequency. what am i missing?
Please do explain in simple English terms 🙂 I'm a little stupid it seems 😄
Dec 06 2021 02:29 PM
Dec 07 2021 12:24 AM
Dec 07 2021 12:52 AM
Dec 07 2021 01:00 AM
Dec 07 2021 01:13 AM
Dec 07 2021 07:58 AM
Sep 04 2022 10:53 PM
Has anyone had both working together?
Running some tests this afternoon - Persistent Browser Session for all apps, with a 2 hour SIF. A separate policy for PowerApps with a 1 hour SIF. Once the one hour SIF is hit, all applications not just Powerapps require re-authentication in the browser.
Great if they would work independently but not sure if this is currently a thing!
Mar 17 2024 05:32 PM
Jun 27 2024 05:31 PM
Hi Guys.
I have a similar question. I want that everytime i turn on the computer my office credentials, including browsers and onedrive, ask again for my password once for the duration of the session. I am trying with Azure Portal Sign In Frequency and Persistent Browser. Can someone help me archive it? I believe i'm close but when i use "every time" frequency onedrive goes nuts and tries to log in continuously.
I am using a powershell script to make all onedrive files offline.
# Username holder
$username = "myname"
# Full paths to your OneDrive and SharePoint folders
$OneDrivePath1 = "C:\Users\$username\OneDrive - companyname\home"
$OneDrivePath2 = "C:\Users\$username\companyname"
# Function to set files in a directory to be available offline
function Set-FilesOffline {
param (
# Get all files in the specified directory recursively
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -File
# Loop through each file and make it available offline
foreach ($file in $files) {
attrib.exe +U -P $file.FullName
Any detailed answer will be greatly appreciated.