AAD Token ESTSAUTH Cookie Export Import

Iron Contributor

Assuming this is known already one can easily export the ESTSAUTH cookie from the browser once authenticated with AAD / Office 365,


and then import the same on another device and can easily access the services/apps with respect to token and license applied on the user, i guess with respect to AAD/O365 idea is to allow access from anywhere-anydevice


however this can be big security loophole where org has deployed Federated Authentication using ADFS/Ping etc... as this process bypasses all those checks


If this is known what is the recommendation to mitigate or Fix this ?

2 Replies

Strange this is not catching anyone's attention,

Please all experts look into this and advise,

By simply exporting and importing the mentioned cookies here user is able to bypass all machine level checks ? 

Access from UnManaged Device ?

How to prevent this please suggest





Microsoft is aware of this and is working on introducing new session control feature as part of conditional access with Azure AD