Announcing a Microsoft Endpoint Manager AMA for IT pros in education

Community Manager




Early access is now open! Select "Start a New Conversation" to get started! 

Get the answers you need to enroll, manage, and support devices in education environments with Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Whether your devices are Windows, Android, iOS, or macOS (or any combination thereof)--and whether your students and faculty will be on site, remote, or hybrid--we want to ensure you are set up for success for the coming school year and years to come. 


We are very excited to announce this special Microsoft Endpoint Manager ‘Ask Microsoft Anything’ (AMA) specifically for IT pros working in, and supporting, education environments!


The AMA will take place on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. PT in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager AMA space. To attend, simply add the event to your calendar and visit the AMA space when the event starts to post your questions by selecting "Start a New Conversation." Can't attend at 8:00 a.m.? Post your questions now.


An AMA is a live online event similar to a “YamJam” on Yammer or an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit. This AMA gives you the opportunity to connect with members of the product engineering team who will be on hand to answer your questions and listen to feedback.


We look forward to your questions and feedback! 


3 Replies
Do we just post a new conversation here to participate in the AMA? The announcement says it is only open at certain times but it seems this space is always open?

@Brian Hoyt - This space is always online,, but the ability to post questions by selecting Start a New Conversation is open only during AMA hours. This AMA, however, is now open for early access! We look forward to your questions. :) 

@Heather Poulsen Thanks, posting them as fast as I can type.