Introducing #DevDecember
Published Nov 22 2019 03:37 PM 14.5K Views


As 2019 winds down and we start to approach a new calendar year, we find ourselves in a time of reflection.


We realize that when you’re heads down coding, it’s easy to miss out on some of the best dev moments of the year. So, we decided to celebrate the month of December by sharing some of our favorite moments from 2019, every single day, for the entire month. We’re calling it #DevDecember. Starting on December 1st, take a break from coding and follow #DevDecember for fun daily releases of inspirational dev moments, tips and tricks, and hacks for improving your dev toolbox. In addition, you can check back here each week for a roundup of the week’s picks.


Here’s a sneak peek of a few of our favorite moments from 2019:

  • A couple of awesome demos like Tailwind Traders that demonstrated how AI and data will be used by retail companies to deliver intelligent-app experiences and Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock, a sample multilanguage application built with Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, deployed with GitHub Actions and running on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • The go-to resource for all things Azure - The Azure Developer’s Guide - that gave relief to developers everywhere by providing top-notch content about repos, pipelines, artifacts, pointers for AI and IoT, and more.
  • The creation of a new video series, Python for Beginners, that empowers everyone to learn a new, rapidly growing, language for free.

But wait, there’s more! As a bonus, we’re adding a little bit of December fun with brand new content like the creation of a do it yourself IoT Ugly Sweater video that will launch soon.


Lastly, we want to ask for your help in making this a great #DevDecember. What were the most memorable moments of your year as a developer? Did you learn a new language? How about finishing up a bootcamp? Did you build a super cool app? How about hosting a meetup? Setting up a GitHub profile? Maybe you even created a video or blog post that you want to share with others! Share your favorite moments by using the hashtag #DevDecember on Twitter and follow the countdown starting December 1st.


Want a head start on joining the #DevDecember community? Here are some of the Twitter accounts that have already committed to the fun:

@Azure, @msdev, @OpenAtMicrosoft, @VisualStudio, @Code, @MSFTGameStack, @Ch9, @docsmsft, @MicrosoftLearn, @MxdRealityDev, @MSFTReactor, @MSFTImagine, @azureadvocates, @dotNET, @WindowsDocs, @AzureDevOps, @MSTCommunity, @AzDataExplorer, @AzureFriday and more!


Happy dev’ing from your hosts of #DevDecember!

Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 27 2019 03:58 PM
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