Azure Content Spotlight - Language Understanding (LUIS)
Published Feb 12 2019 03:44 PM 579 Views
Iron Contributor
First published on MSDN on Feb 07, 2018

Authored by Jeffrey Chilberto

Welcome to another Azure Content Spotlight! These articles are used to highlight items in Azure that could be more visible to the Azure community.

Language Understanding (LUIS) is a new offering of Cognitive Services and allows for the development of applications that extract a user's intent from their natural language.  There are three key concepts to LUIS:

Intent - action the user wants to perform
Utterance - the text input from the user
Entity - something relevant to the user's utterance

The About Language Understanding documentation is probably the best place to start getting your head around LUIS.  There is also a live sample application to illustrate how LUIS can be used.

Version history
Last update:
‎Feb 12 2019 03:44 PM
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