Azure Content Spotlight – Azure Cost Management
Published Feb 19 2019 09:01 PM 2,840 Views
Iron Contributor


Welcome to another Azure Content Spotlight! These articles are used to highlight items in Azure that could be more visible to the Azure community. 

With this week's announcement, Azure Cost Management now general availability for enterprise agreements and more!, our content spotlight is about Azure Cost Management. The Azure Cost Management has had several new features added so let's have a quick tour of some of its capabilities:


Budgets is a great feature for keeping an eye on costs and providing a mechanism for alerts on these budgets. The following screenshot shows a monthly budget of $100 and includes an alert for when the current running cost becomes 70% of the budget:



Once the budgets have been defined, these are shown on the Budgets option as a convenient summary:



Cost Analysis:

Cost Analysis provides a means of tracking costs over a time period. The graph offers some great features including a time period, grouping and granularity. For example, the following graph shows daily consumption against the monthly budget and includes the different types of meter indicating that sql and event hubs are the most significant cost:




Both references have links to helpful videos:

Lot's of great features to explore so have a look!

Version history
Last update:
‎Feb 19 2019 09:00 PM
Updated by: