Azure Content Spotlight – Free Serverless eBook
Published Feb 12 2019 04:13 PM 532 Views

First published on MSDN on Jul 12, 2018

Authored by Sjoukje Zaal

Welcome to another Azure Content Spotlight! These articles are used to highlight items in Azure that could be more visible to the Azure community.



Jeremy Lickness published a great new eBook called: 'Serverless apps: Architecture, patterns, and Azure implementation'. This book covers how to architect and create serverless applications on Azure and it highlights the benefits and exposes the potential drawbacks of developing serverless apps. It covers the different Azure Services which can be used to create serverless applications, like Azure Functions and more, and it provides a lot of examples.

You can download the eBook from the folllowing site:

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 26 2020 03:23 PM
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