Azure Content Spotlight – Blockchain Workbench
Published Feb 12 2019 04:12 PM 691 Views
Iron Contributor
First published on MSDN on Jun 21, 2018

Authored by Jeffrey Chilberto

Welcome to another Azure Content Spotlight! These articles are used to highlight items in Azure that could be more visible to the Azure community.

This week's content spotlight is about the Blockchain Workbench . In public preview, the Blockchain Workbench is designed to face-track the creation of blockchain projects with simplified development and pre-built networking and infrastructure.

Getting started:

Have a look at Simplifying blockchain app development with Azure Blockchain Workbench including a great intro explaining blockchain.

The documentation is always a great place for those that just want to dive in!

Also, review Azure Blockchain Workbench 1.1.0 extends capabilities and monitoring for the latest improvements to the Blockchain Workchain.
Version history
Last update:
‎Feb 12 2019 04:12 PM
Updated by: