MS Secure Score Create an OAuth app policy to notify you about new OAuth applications

Copper Contributor

Analyzing my Secure Score pending action, it says I need to Create an OAuth app policy to notify you about new OAuth applications.    The implementation instructions are vague and when i try to create a policy there is no filter for newly created Oauth Apps.   Anyone have success setting this policy?   

5 Replies
Similar here - and the Sync Date is not updating? Any luck in getting this resolved?
Where are you trying to create the policy? I know that you can create such a policy in Defender for Cloud Apps. If I'm not mistaken it's a default policy which falls under the anomaly policies. The policy is disabled by default.


What are your settings?

I got the points with these settings:

Type: OAuth Policy
Policy Severity: Low
My Business requirements
Permission level Filter: high severity

Categorie: Compliance
Create an alert for each matching event with the policy's severity.
No Governance actions.
