Defender for O365 with onprem mailboxes

Brass Contributor
Hi all,
Just wanted to confirm the usability of some features of Defender for O365 when having a exchange hibrid scenario but still most of the mailboxes on-prem. From my understanding not all features will work
  • Safe Attachments (dynamic delivery will not work for onprem mailboxes)
  • Safe Links (works if the MX is pointing to EOP)
  • ATP for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams (not applicable to EXO)
  • ATP anti-phishing protection (not sure if all settings will work for onprem mailboxes)
  • Real-time detections (reports)
Thanks in advanced,
1 Reply

@Ricardo Mendes Another capability that is unavailable for Exchange on premise is the ZAP functionality that removes Phishing and Malware post delivery.