Scheduled Reports

Copper Contributor

Ever since the 7/8/21, our scheduled daily email that contain the link to download the reports have been erroring out with the message below:


400 Bad Request

Sorry, we can't display the page you are looking for.

Invalid data found in the request received by the server.

A malformed redirect destination was detected.




I even went to recreated the scheduled report with no success.  




2 Replies

@haphanman , Thanks for reporting this!

We just located the issue, while it's not in MDI, (it's in Azure Email service), the issue was located there,

and we are working on a hotfix.

in the meantime, as a workaround, you can grab the url of the error message, take everything after the "destination=" string, and if this data is url decoded (many decoders online...) you will get a valid url that will actually download the file from MDI.

I know, it's not nice, but the best I can suggest until Azure Email will mange to deploy their hotfix.

@Eli Ofek Decoding the email worked.  Will continue to do this while the fix is implemented.  Thank you.