Full Azure ATP Trial for testing & demo purposes

Brass Contributor

Hi all,

I was wondering if there was a way to get a full feature Azure ATP Trial that can be used for demo and more importantly lab & documentation purposes.   I work for a Microsoft partner and I have access to demos.microsoft.com.  I can provision a 90 day tenant on there and have it populated with a pre-canned Azure ATP interface which shows me what an attack line would look like.  But AATP in this instance just shows what it would look like, and doesn't allow any of the configuration to be viewed or edited.


What I really need is a proper Azure ATP demo (or trial), where I go through the motions of provisioning a workspace, downloading and installing the Azure ATP sensor, and connecting my own domain controller.  This would allow me (in my current situation) to take screen shots for test plan documentation, and see a level of detail that the demos.microsoft.com setup doesn't show me, and to see parts of the configuration settings that aren't shown in the online documentation for Azure ATP.


I did go through setting up a tenant on demos.microsoft.com (without the AATP information added) then went through the "Try it Now" option on https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/features/azure-advanced-threat-protection/, using my demo tenant as the information provided to start the trial - and all that seemed to do was enable me for the standard https://contoso-corp.atp.azure.com/ pre-canned interface.


Is what I'm asking currently possible in any scenario?

4 Replies

Hi Noel,


currently all trials tenants (from demos.microsoft.com) are blocked from creating a workspace, and only a shared demo is allowed.


The only way to accomplish the scenario you have described is setting up a trial tenant for EMS E5 not through demos.microsoft.com.




Thanks for your reply to this Itay, and apologies for my slow response.  Thanks for clarifying this.




Do we have an update on this? I just ran into issues as described here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Azure-Advanced-Threat-Protection/Azure-ATP-connection-closed-... and then found this blog post. Are there any plans to allow use of the ATP in demos.microsoft.com? I was able to create an instance, without any errors. If it's not allowed to use Azure ATP in demos.Microsoft.com I suggest that this is clearly highlighted. But It would be super beneficial if we could as it allows us to fully demonstrate to customers. 

Hi Alex,

So...I'm not sure if this is well known, allowed, or is a loop hole that hasn't been closed yet (and I hope it isn't closed).




In your demos.microsoft.com tenant - if you create a new user (or assign one of the other existing users as a Global Admin), assign the appropriate licencing - you can actually create a fully fledged Azure ATP tenant.  It doesn't work with the default admin account - but if you make another user an admin, it works with that account.



I hope I haven't let the cat out of the bag by posting this... 😛