Defender for Identity licensing

Copper Contributor

Hi all, I'm not able to find an answer to this question for our customers: how many Defender for Identity licenses we have to purchase having 500 user accounts on-prem on Active Directory but just 300 user accounts synchronized with the Azure AD tenant.

We have to count just human user accounts for licensing or also service accounts?



4 Replies


Just the human users in on-premises active directory

Thank you @Or Tsemah, do you have some Microsoft reference about your statement?


You can view it here: Microsoft 365 licensing guidance for security & compliance - Service Descriptions | Microsoft Docs

Although we're not using the term "human users"

@Or Tsemah, thank you, however ther is al lot of difference considering human and service accounts in licenses. This is the main concern about our customers. The official page seems to consider user accounts regardless the the account use.