Azure ATP down?

Copper Contributor


Is there something wrong with the Azure ATP? Tried to login a few Azure ATP instances and got HTTP Server error 500 from them.

Also one of my sensors could not start with the error: 
Error ExceptionHandler Microsoft.Tri.Infrastructure.ExtendedException: RestrictCpuAsync failed, exiting

Rest of my sensors seems to be running though but the stopped one is domain sync candidate from ATP side. Sensor versions are: 2.72.6508.56740

3 Replies

@Mtee- , the first issue (Error 500) was a problem with one of the back end nodes  and should be resolved  by now, please try again.


The second issue is unrelated and most likely related to either a missing performance counter, or CPU scheduling setting in the OS. the best way to resolve this will be to contact support so they can collect the detailed logs and guide you.

Ok, thanks!

Actually the Updater log said also more errors related to Performance counters:
Error PerformanceCounterMetricHelper PdhGetFormattedCounterValue failed [pdhGetFormattedCounterValueResult=0xC0000BC6 FullName=\.NET CLR Memory(Microsoft.Tri.Sensor)\# Gen 1 Collections]

And similar lines for various different Performance counters.
Also Application log on Event viewer was full of Event IDs 2004 and 1008, sources Perflib and Perfnet.

Restarted the Updater service (Sensor restart was not enough) and sensor is running now and no new errors are generated

in my case, I had to follow steps in the following article to rebuild all performance counters.