Unable to start Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Service. Error message: The service name is invalid.

Copper Contributor

I am trying to onboard Microsoft Defender for Business by using the onboarding script "WindowsDefenderATPLocalOnboardingScript.cmd"

As I use Admin to run it, it just shows "Unable to start Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Service. Error message: The Service name is invalid"

I tried to find the ATP service but I did not find the service has anything to do with "Windows Defender ATP". Also I did not find the same Error message in the help document though we have the same error number.

I tried to reference the

https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/all/unable-to-start-microsoft-defender-for-endpoin... b7a4eb9ba5cd

for the solution, but it doesn't work.

Output log:

C:\Windows\System32>"D:\Downloads\GatewayWindowsDefenderATPOnboardingPackage(3)\ WindowsDefenderATPLocalOnboardingScript.cmd” This script is used to enroll the machine in the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service, including security and compliance products. Upon completion, the machine should light up in the portal within 5-30 minutes, depending on the availability of an Internet connection to the machine and the power status of the machine (plugged in vs. battery powered).

IMPORTANT: This script is optimized for single machine uploads and should not be used for large scale deployments. For more information on large-scale deployments, see the MDE documentation (link available in the Endpoint Upload section of the MDE portal).

Press (Y) to confirm and continue, or (N) to cancel and exit: y

Start the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint onboarding process...

Test Administrator Privileges

Scripts run with sufficient privileges

Perform the onboarding operation

Start the service (if not already running)

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service is not yet started

Wait for the service to start

[Error ID: 15, Error Level: 1] Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Service could not be started. error message: The Service name is invalid.

For more information, please visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=822

3 Replies
My guess is the system is either running the Home version of Windows, or it is missing a whole lot of system updates.
Hi, witch operating System do you have on this endpoint ? Version and Build.
Probabilly you miss more important Windows Update or you have old windows version.
Tell us SO on machine and build to help you.