Microsoft Defender KQL query for deletion lnk files - Following Friday 13th Event

Brass Contributor



Following the Friday 13th event with Defender ASR block and removing of shortcut links. Has anyone been able to use the Defender Timeline information on assets to report on the shortcut links which were removed? 

In my case we do not have any data reporting the deletion of the file itself. We do have the ASR event on machines but it also clear that we have lots of other application shortcuts disappearing without ASR events being triggered. This means we cannot get a true idea of the scale of the issue for my estate.


Note - We don't have VSS enabled on the endpoints.


Is there any other method of getting some idea of what has been deleted?

15 Replies
Did you have a look at this post if it contains what you are looking for?
Hi Heike,

Thanks for the link. We have already reviewed and using the script for the core applications but it doesn't help us with the discovery of the business applications which have been impacted.

Really need a list of every shortcut lnk file which has been deleted from the machines but cannot find that information in our device timelines which means I can't search it in advanced hunting.
During my investigations I have come across the Microsoft Store application Windows File Recovery -

It appears will only install in user context, if we could get it to install in the system context then maybe it could help customers to restore files.



I had the same issue as you. The KQL query provided by Microsoft did not return all the deleted .lnk files. In the timeline of our devices I found entries with the ActionType "BrowserLaunchedToOpenUrl" and the additional information "T1204.002: Malicious File". Based on that I built the following query:


| where Timestamp >= datetime(2023-01-13) and Timestamp < datetime(2023-01-14)
| where ActionType contains "BrowserLaunchedToOpenUrl"
| where RemoteUrl endswith ".lnk"
| summarize by Timestamp, DeviceName, DeviceId, RemoteUrl,ActionType
| sort by Timestamp asc


The RemoteURL shows the deleted .lnk file. 

From there you can further filter for the start menu folder:


| where Timestamp >= datetime(2023-01-13) and Timestamp < datetime(2023-01-14)
| where ActionType contains "BrowserLaunchedToOpenUrl"
| where RemoteUrl endswith ".lnk"
| where RemoteUrl contains "start menu"
| summarize by Timestamp, DeviceName, DeviceId, RemoteUrl,ActionType
| sort by Timestamp asc


Let me know if this helps!

Morning @sjf_ch,


Thank-you for the great reply. Putting your query to work now but having to use Sentinel as we are getting more than 10000 records. Did try to see if I could add the AV signature as a column but failed to get that to work correctly.




Hi @Yong Rhee, not tried the script as it wouldn't help us. 


We have an estate of 6000 devices onboarded to Defender and Intune managed. No way to centrally report the data back but I can't trust that the ASR events has been recorded as we have proof that devices have had shortcuts removed and the Defender advanced hunting has not reported an ASR event for the file.



@MikeP751860 please try the following Advanced Hunting query:
| where Timestamp >= datetime(2023-01-13) and Timestamp < datetime(2023-01-14)
| where ActionType contains "BrowserLaunchedToOpenUrl"
| where RemoteUrl endswith ".lnk"
| where RemoteUrl contains "start menu"
| summarize by Timestamp, DeviceName, DeviceId, RemoteUrl,ActionType
| sort by Timestamp asc

@Yong Rhee Already using that query but you can't tell if the machine was affected by the problem signatures so you have to assume the worst case. Would be helpful if you can tie the machine signature details to the timestamp for filtering.



Quickly put together this PowerShell script to extract all shortcuts from a normal machine.

# ------------------------------------------ [Parameters] --------------------------------------------------
# Path to search
$Path = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu"
$CSVFile = "c:\testing\shortcut-data.csv"

# ------------------------------------------ [Functions] ---------------------------------------------------

# Function taken from web site -
function Get-Shortcut {
$path = $null

$obj = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell

if ($path -eq $null) {
$pathUser = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('StartMenu')
$pathCommon = $obj.SpecialFolders.Item('AllUsersStartMenu')
$path = dir $pathUser, $pathCommon -Filter *.lnk -Recurse
if ($path -is [string]) {
$path = dir $path -Filter *.lnk
$path | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -is [string]) {
$_ = dir $_ -Filter *.lnk
if ($_) {
$link = $obj.CreateShortcut($_.FullName)

$info = @{}
$info.Hotkey = $link.Hotkey
$info.TargetPath = $link.TargetPath
$info.LinkPath = $link.FullName
$info.Arguments = $link.Arguments
$info.Target = try {Split-Path $info.TargetPath -Leaf } catch { 'n/a'}
$info.Link = try { Split-Path $info.LinkPath -Leaf } catch { 'n/a'}
$info.WindowStyle = $link.WindowStyle
$info.IconLocation = $link.IconLocation

New-Object PSObject -Property $info

# -------------------------------------------------[ Main Code] --------------------------------------------

#Get Lnk files
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Filter "*.lnk" |select Name, DirectoryName, BaseName, FullName | ForEach-Object {Get-Shortcut}

#Export to CSV file
$Files | Export-Csv -Path $CSVFile -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation
@MikeP751860 the following AH query should do the trick: let badsignatures = dynamic(['1.381.2134.0','1.381.2140.0','1.381.2152.0','1.381.2163.0']);
let shortcuts = DeviceEvents
//| where Timestamp >= datetime(2023-01-13) and Timestamp < datetime(2023-01-14)
| where ActionType contains "BrowserLaunchedToOpenUrl"
| where RemoteUrl endswith ".lnk"
| where RemoteUrl contains "start menu"
| summarize by Timestamp, DeviceName, DeviceId, RemoteUrl,ActionType
| sort by Timestamp asc;
//let badsignatures = dynamic(['1.381.2134.0','1.381.2140.0','1.381.2152.0','1.381.2163.0']);
| evaluate bag_unpack(AdditionalFields)
| where isnotempty( AvSignatureVersion )
| join kind=inner (shortcuts) on DeviceId
| summarize arg_max(Timestamp,*) by DeviceId
| project DeviceName, AvSignatureVersion, AvPlatformVersion, AvEngineVersion, RemoteUrl,ActionType //Timestamp,
| where AvSignatureVersion in (badsignatures)

@Yong Rhee Tried the AH query but the returned data records is too small. 


When you exclude '| where AvSignatureVersion in (badsignatures)' from the query and in my case see most of the machines have an AV signature version of 1.381.2325.0.

That is good, that version doesn't have the problem. The query is checking for machines in the last 30 days that had the problematic version and lists the shortcuts. Thx.
I think you might of missed the point. The 'shortcuts' let query is filtered to the timestamp range (2023-01-13 to 2023-01-14) so how can you have a signature of 1.381.2325.0 which was released on the 1/17/2023 11:11:14 AM?
//| where Timestamp >= datetime(2023-01-13) and Timestamp < datetime(2023-01-14), it's commented out since it starts with //