MDE Enrollment

Copper Contributor

Dear All,


How to integrate between already enrolled devices to MDE (i guess they were enrolled using GPO) with Intune to start creating the required policies using Intune like Attack Surface Reduction, Next-Generation Protection, etc.

Integration is enabled on both sides in Intune and Microsoft Defender portal.

But after I enabled that, not all of the devices appear in Intune.


So, kindly advise on how to resolve this issue.



Hesham Nouh

6 Replies
Are the devices in question targeted for automatic Intune enrollment?
Yes dear, all of the devices are scoped for automatic enrollment.

Hello @HeshamNouh ,


You mentioned that not all devices appear in Intune. 

Did you enroll your devices into Intune? How did you do that?

How many workstations do you have?



Are the devices in question actually showing onboarded in the MDE portal or are they just getting discovered?
Some of them are "onboarded" and some of them " can be onboarded".
So the ones that are showing as can be onboarded are just discovered devices. For onboarded devices I will check the event logs on the devices to troubleshoot why they are not getting enrolled in Intune. Some of the things that can be looked into are Intune licensing for the enrolling users on the devices in question, device platform restriction policies in Intune, MFA, Conditional access.