Defender for Endpoint - Data Storage Location integrity question (GDPR/EU)

Brass Contributor



I have a question specific to Defender for Endpoint and its data storage within EU and the information provided on Microsoft Docs. The english text states customer data in psuedonymized form may also be stored and processed in US.


Data storage location

Defender for Endpoint operates in the Microsoft Azure datacenters in the European Union, the United Kingdom, or in the United States. Customer data collected by the service may be stored in: (a) the geo-location of the tenant as identified during provisioning or, (b) if Defender for Endpoint uses another Microsoft online service to process such data, the geolocation as defined by the data storage rules of that other online service.

Customer data in pseudonymized form may also be stored in the central storage and processing systems in the United States.

Once configured, you cannot change the location where your data is stored. This provides a convenient way to minimize compliance risk by actively selecting the geographic locations where your data will reside.



OK, I get that. What I don't get is that on the corresponding Docs site in Swedish, the machine-translation instead presents the word "anonymiserad" which in English is "anonymized" which is a completely different thing. Is this a bug? What is actually correct here and where can I find information about this?


The following is in swedish, link/Source at the bottom:


Defender för Endpoint fungerar Microsoft Azure datacenter i EU, Storbritannien eller USA. Kunddata som samlas in av tjänsten kan lagras i: (a) klientorganisationens geoplats som identifieras under etableringen eller(b) om Defender för Endpoint använder en annan Microsoft-onlinetjänst för att bearbeta sådana data, den geolokalisering som definieras av datalagringsreglerna för den andra onlinetjänsten.

Kunddata i anonymiserad form kan också lagras i de centrala lagrings- och bearbetningssystemen i USA.

När den har konfigurerats kan du inte ändra platsen där dina data lagras. Det här är ett bekvämt sätt att minimera efterlevnadsrisken genom att aktivt välja de geografiska platser där dina data ska lagras.




1 Reply
The Dutch version of this page also talks of pseudonymized. Might just be an incorrect translation on the Swedish page I guess?