Feb 28 2020 10:54 AM
Feb 28 2020 10:54 AM
hi all
I have recently noticed that I have a number of activity logs with "SupervisoryReviewOLAudit" in Exchange and the User is EXTERNAL. The external user also confuses it for me, for example, info@twitter.com and monitoring@bbc.co.uk
Can anyone explain a few things
1/ what is the activity type - Run command: task SupervisoryReviewOLAudit
2/ and what do the external users mean in this case
Let me know if I need to clarify any points or provide more detail. Thanks for reading, regards
Mar 02 2020 05:39 AM
Supervisory Review is likely referring to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/compliance/supervision-policies?view=o365-worldwide Check your policies in the Microsoft Security Center and Exchange Online.
Internal and External users in MCAS are defined via the managed domain configuration located in MCAS Settings > Organization details > Managed domains
May 18 2020 10:37 AM