Apr 23 2019 06:03 AM
I recently implemented Cloud App Security with a ZSCaler instance. I am getting the logs to come over into MCAS, but when they are doing so, they user ID is coming anonymized. I have checked in MCAS and ZScaler, and the obscuration setting is turned off. Any body have some suggestions on what else to look at in regards to the User ID being shown incorrectly?
Note, when I do put the obscured ID into MCAS decrypting tool, MCAS is able to resolve it.
Apr 24 2019 08:53 AM
Apr 28 2019 01:59 AM
Hi @SteveCombs,
Before taking this to engineering for troubleshooting, could you please confirm that when creating your Zscaler data source in MCAS portal, you didn't mark the checkbox to anonymize PII? (See more details in the attachment)
Apr 29 2019 05:53 AM
I am checking today on this setup, but I am pretty sure this checkbox is not selected. If so, should we open a ticket with MS in your opinion?
Apr 30 2019 05:44 AM
Jul 22 2019 12:50 PM
It turns out that the source for ZScaler data needs to be NSS. It is hard coded into the MCAS software.
Jul 22 2019 12:55 PM
Jul 30 2019 04:45 PM