Jun 04 2021 02:47 AM
Hi I'm in the process of deploying a new log collector on RHEL 7, I've configured it in the MCAS portal and deployed the docker container, I can see it as connected in the console with no data received.
Now I've forwarded the logs to the server and I can see them if I run a tcpdump on the REHL host, but I'm not seeing anything in the container. /var/adallom/syslog/rotated/514/ only contains the config.json file and /var/adallom/discoverylogsbackup is empty
Is there a way I can see if the container is receiving the messages and why it's not processing them?
Dec 06 2021 09:18 AM
Dec 06 2021 09:40 AM
SolutionDec 06 2021 09:40 AM