How to set SensitiveInfoDetectionIsIncluded to true so CloudAppEvents schema returns data

Copper Contributor


I have few incidents created for my purview policies and i see the incidents and alerts in 
i am running the following simple advance hunting query

| where ActivityType == 'Securityevent'
In the result i see 
"SensitiveInfoDetectionIsIncluded": false, under RawEventData

I understand that as long as this is false, i cannot see the forensic data (violating data) for the incident.
How can i set this value to true, so that i can get the forensic data. 
My goal is to use graph api with advance hunting to retrieve this data so that i can load it into my application (End user remediation) as a case and educate the users about the violation.


            "RawEventData": {
                "@odata.type": "",
                "CreationTime": "2024-07-22T12:46:33.0000000Z",
                "Id": "fff346cc-***",
                "IncidentId": "89630849-***",
                "ObjectId": "<*.*.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>",
                "Operation": "DlpRuleMatch",
                "OrganizationId": "***",
                "email address removed for privacy reasons": "#Collection(String)",
                "PolicyDetails": [
                    "{\"PolicyId\":\"2d7eb..\",\"PolicyName\":\"generate email incidents with block.\",\"Rules\":[{\"ActionParameters\":[\"GenerateAlert:true\"],\"Actions\":[\"BlockAccess\",\"GenerateAlert\"],\"ConditionsMatched\":{\"ConditionMatchedInNewScheme\":false,\"OtherConditions\":[{\"Name\":\"From\",\"Value\":\"0f66...\"}]},\"ManagementRuleId\":\"bbe..\",\"RuleId\":\"101e3f12-...\",\"RuleMode\":\"Enable\",\"RuleName\":\"Block emails with keyword\",\"Severity\":\"Medium\"}]}"
                "email address removed for privacy reasons": "#Int64",
                "RecordType": 13,
                "SensitiveInfoDetectionIsIncluded": false,


2 Replies

Hi @russellworkid,


something like the following might help?


| where ActivityType == "Securityevent"
| extend SensitiveInfo = tostring(RawEventData.SensitiveInfoDetectionIsIncluded)
| where SensitiveInfo != "false"


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Hi @ cyb3rmik3

I get no results and i expected that result with this query.
My understanding is that i need to first enable the value to true somewhere and then only this query would work.

Under DLP Schema i see this is a boolean value but i am not sure how i can toggle it to ture.