Oct 02 2024 03:10 AM
Hello everyone,
We're evaulating Cloud Apps session/conditional access/session policies but have hit a weird snag.
We have created a conditional access policy in EntraID with session control of Use Conditional Access App Control. This was initially set to Monitor Only (Preview)
I then signed in with the test user and logged into the various 365 services, and confirmed these apps were onboarded into the Conditional Access App Control apps page.
So far so good. However when I've attempted to create either a Access or Session Policy in the Cloud Apps Policy Management section, there is an error saying that there are no conditional access policies set up.
I changed the conditional access policies in Entra ID to "Custom Policy" and waited a few hours, but still getting the error. I have created additional conditional access policies in EntraID from scratch and waited over night, but it still seems that EntraID and the Cloud Apps parts aren't talking with each other.
When I create a policy, I get a warning that there isn't a corresponding CA policy. The Access/Session policy is reated, but has [Entra ID Policy Missing] in the title.
I'm not sure where I'm going wrong with this. I've followed various guides and checked various forums but aside from the obvious I'm at a loss. Has anyone else come up against this before, or should I raise a ticket with MS to look at the back end?
Thanks in advance,
Oct 02 2024 04:02 AM
Oct 02 2024 10:20 AM