CAS / MIP / DLP Secure Whatsapp session

Copper Contributor

Hello guys,


I am looking for a way to enable users from my company to use whatsapp web and control the session using CAS, MIP and DLP to prevent data exfiltration, is there a way to do that?

I'm new to that solutions and wasn't able to find any documentation about that.


thanks a lot!

5 Replies
Hi Pradocn,

Potentially you might want to use MCAS, set WhatsApp as a sanctioned App.
You can "Edit App Details" and this will allow you to check a box "Use with Conditional Access App Control". This should then allow you to create a "Session Policy" to block uploads via Conditional Access.

There is also:
Use the "App Tag" to create a specific tag called "WhatsApp" and apply it - this way it can be targeted specifically to WhatsApp instead of either Sanctioned or Unsanctioned Apps
See how you go from there?

@David Caddick thanks for the reply!

I did as you told me, set WhatsApp as a sanctioned App and checked "Use with Conditional Access App Control":pradocn_0-1623444915546.png



But when I try to create a "Session Policy" to block uploads via Conditional Access whatsapp it is not available.




Best regards,

Arthur Prado

Hi is there any solution found for this?
I have the same problem. I can't add Whatsapp to a session policy. Any update on the case?

@MoisesLTD unfortunately no update yet..