Abnormal Traffic caused by Fastly cloud computing platform

Copper Contributor

We have a user who gets more than 2tb of traffic thru Fastly.com cloud app. The user normally do his work pushing/pulling a request in azure dev thru git, the project size is around 300mb but only sending the recent changes.  Also, we don't use fastly as our CDN provider but we've seen a lot of traffic going through here for other users as well but this one user have a very abnormal traffic.


Have someone also experience this issue in your MCAS? Any suggestion what to check and how you solve it?



2 Replies

This happens because traffic has matched a specific cloud app in our catalog (either domains or IP ranges). From MDCA you should be able to see the user, ip information and then go check the the appliance or direct endpoints to determine more about the transactions. You can see the domains associated with a cloud app directly in the catalog and if you need help understanding the IP ranges you can open a support ticket for that information.
Thanks Keith, I will check this