Assess an Enterprise With Data Migration Assistant (update)
Published Jul 16 2020 12:57 AM 6,035 Views

The latest version of the related article, Assess an enterprise and consolidate assessment reports with DMA, has been updated to include support for SQL Server 2019 and Azure SQL Managed Instance.


Please refer to the technical documentation for the step-by-step instructions associated with completing this task.


Hello, there seems to be a mismatch in the dimRules title values (line 609 &  742) of the createDMAWarehouse.psm1 script: The title inserted into dimRules contains 'autogrow', this should be 'autogrowth' (as recorded by the DMA) , failing the 'LoadWareHouse script' (source reference, source location & referenced above) that populates the warehouse from the reportdata table (and left joins on RuleID & title). 


To fix: 

update dimrules set title = 'Detected statements that reference removed system stored procedures that are not available in database compatibility level 110 and higher.' where ruleid = 'Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00313' 

 dimrules set title = 'Turn on autogrowth for all data and log files after the migration is completed on the target server.'
where title ='Set autogrow is turned on for all data and log files after the migration is completed on the target server.' 
(don't use ruleid for this one since there are 2 rows with ruleid 'Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00003'
An error in createDMAWarehouse.psm1 lines 611 & 744 prevent the creation of dimRules. 
updated code for 611:
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00003','Turn on autogrowth for all data and log files after the migration is completed on the target server.','Assessment detected data or log files that are not set to autogrow on your source SQL Server. New and enhanced features require additional disk space for user databases and the tempdb system database. Consider enabling the auto grow setting for all data and log files on your target SQL Server instance after the migration is completed. While you still set autogrow ON, for a managed production system, you must consider autogrow to be merely a contingency for unexpected growth. Do not manage your data and log growth on a day-to-day basis with autogrow.','Verify autogrow is turned on for all data and log files during the upgrade process -','','BehaviorChange')
Update for line 744:
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00313','Detected statements that reference removed system stored procedures that are not available in database compatibility level 110 and higher.','Deprecated functions are marked to be discontinued on next versions of SQL Server, should avoid their uses.','',' ','Not Provided')



Copper Contributor

Hi @ChrisLound ,is this Power BI consolidation still supported? I fixed this bug and I'm not sure if DMA is still collecting the data in the sam way

Version history
Last update:
‎Oct 01 2020 04:42 AM
Updated by: