Wrong EMail Address

Copper Contributor

we have a Customer with 2 booking account, both are admins and we had to Change the default mail address of one account and created a new account with that "old" email address but the user with the new address should remain in booking.

But now in booking the old address lays behind the user (greyed out)and the new calendar items doesn't appear in the outlook calendar.

Is it possible to Change the email address to the new one?



3 Replies

@MarkusGratoppI don't think it is possible from the Bookings perspective. You could just copy the old appointments from the old calendar to the new (through Outlook) but the copied appointments will not be connected to the new user. So any modifications in Bookings will not modify the appointments in the new calendar.

When modifying a booking you could add the new user so it will appear in the calendar of the new user. For deleted bookings this does not work.

@stevenam, the new account isn't a booking account. The old one remains in booking, but the Mailing address changed and now the new Appointments don't appear in the Outlook calendar.

@MarkusGratoppIn that case you could add the new account as an employee to make the appointments visible in the calendar?