MS Bookings: How to pass values to a form

Copper Contributor

I have small project to use MS bookings by customer will login from the company website and booking scheduling is one of the feature.

I want to know how can I pass the values such as customer name, email and phone number to MS booking form because of customer do not input information again. Have anyone can explain me how to do?

4 Replies

@Alongkorn Wayurat 


I was sad to see no replies here.


The ability to pre-fill forms would be a great addition for circumstances that you are requiring O365 authentication. You could pre-fill the Name, Email, Phone Number from AD.

Of have the option to just hide those questions because they're not required... with an authenticated user.

 wow nice dude!thanks Image

@Alongkorn Wayurat 

This would be great, did you ever find a solution?