MS Booking facility capacity planned versus actuals

Brass Contributor
Wish there is an option to easily identify, inquiry and report on MS bookings legal entity facilities capacity planned per period, versus actual bookings (e.g. featuring bookings, even if there maybe NO STAFF members at that time).
2 Replies
We offer option to export TSV file which contain appointment metadata. You can pivot for services and staff member and find the count of appointments made in a time frame.
Bookings doesn't know, the total available capacity- you as a project planner/admin should have that data. You can use both the data points to get your desired result.
Dear Altamish, thanks again for your kind replied. Is there an option to easily setup appointment capacities by facility-rooms and/or by staff member?

I understand we can feature dashboards or pivot services for appointment counts, however, this may not explained to me at 100%, whether I may need a new field to track facility and staff member appointment capacities. Thank you, very much for your tremendous help.