Integration of bookings with Flow and PowerApps

Copper Contributor

Is it possible to use bookings functionality in a PowerApp. I am looking for a solution that will support the booking of resources in an online examination room, asking the person to do a reservation for each student is too time consuming, is there a way to using the bookings app. to define the resource capacity and availability but use an app to create the (multiple) reservations? There does not seem to be a connector in Flow.

27 Replies
Bookings connector should no longer show up as a premium connector. Can you check now? @David_Swenson
Thank you Vignesh! It now shows as Standard. I really appreciate it!

Great! Please try it out and keep the feedback coming. We are constantly looking to make this better.

hi @Vignesh_Kailas, when using the Bookings connect I don't get all the fields in the documentation. Only option is to send HTTP request to graph to get beta response but in my organization I'm not able to use premium connectors.

When is the beta response going to be released in production?
@sngBI Which are the fields you are looking for and is not received as a part of the field list coming as a part of Bookings connector? For now Cancel Reason and Custom Questions (1:1 bookings only) do not come as a part of the Bookings trigger payload. The latter will be fixed soon.
@vignesh. The connector is working well but the real blocker for us is not having the Custom Questions payloads included in our Dynamic Content picker. I am still having to write split functions to get the data correct. Once this is fixed then this will be extremely powerful!
Ack! We don't have a timeline but this will be fixed pretty soon - we are having this as a priority task.

Dear @Vignesh_Kailas,

I saw in the MS roadmap an item 87607 Microsoft Teams: Forms Integration with Microsoft Bookings. I cannot find detailed instructions although it says in is "Launched" I cannot find a way in the Teams Booking app to link any form to the service.

Can you provide some guidance? Thanks